Month: November 2015

  • NASA Television

    NASA Television

    WOW – NASA TV! Did you know that NASA actually has a television station where you can watch the space station live every week?

  • Space Turkey

    Space Turkey

      The astronauts aboard the International Space Station are not able to step outside and fire up the turkey fryer, and there isn’t a big oven they can use to create their turkey dinner. Those problems aside, they do still get some of the things that they like that let them celebrate. According to NASA,…

  • US Space Rocket Debris Found

    US Space Rocket Debris Found

    Here’s A Unique Find – Space Rocket Debris A quite large section of a rocket that is American in nature was found floating in the sea near the Isles of Scilly. Scientists and Coast Guard believe it is likely the unmanned rocket that exploded in Florida in June. Called The SpaceX Falcon 9,the rocket blew…

  • 3D Photos of Pluto Show Ice Volcanoes?

    3D Photos of Pluto Show Ice Volcanoes?

      Ice Volcanoes Unique To Pluto NASA’s recent 3D images of Pluto show two mountains on the dwarf planet that could be ice volcanoes. Scientists called the objects cryovolcanoes and say that the formations could have been active in the recent past. Pluto’s ice volcanoes cover a huge area and rise to over 3.5 miles…

  • Space Tourism is Available for Would be Astronauts

    Space Tourism is Available for Would be Astronauts

    What is it like to view the earth from space? Space tourism is a great way to do this. The only catch is that you have to be prepared for the price tag of one round trip ticket. Just pre-booking a flight already costs 100,000 USD. Each trip is supposed to provide a few short…

  • Smart Phones in Space

    Smart Phones in Space

      A smart phone has reached space and has successfully transmitted confirmation that the spry spacefarer is good to go. This is NASA’s, which is a four-inch cube, weighing 2.2 pounds. NASA’s Moffet Field Ames Research Center was the site of its development. PhoneSat 2.4 makes it possible for engineers to command a satellite from…

  • The Effects of Space on the Brain

    The Effects of Space on the Brain

    The Brain Adjusts To Space Environment Since the first manned missions to space, it has been painfully apparent that prolonged time in space is detrimental to an astronaut’s physical well-being. Science has recently brought to light (fueled by NASA recruiting for their upcoming missions) that prolonged time in microgravity like that found on a space…

  • New Inner Oort Cloud Object Discovered

    New Inner Oort Cloud Object Discovered

      Oort Cloud Studies Are Just Beginning This week, astronomers at Washington D.C.’s Carnegie Institution for Science announced the discovery of what is so far the most distant object in the solar system. The dwarf planet, currently named V774104 orbits the sun at a distance which is three times farther out than Pluto. The exact…