Author: Robbi Drake

  • Smart Phones in Space

    Smart Phones in Space

      A smart phone has reached space and has successfully transmitted confirmation that the spry spacefarer is good to go. This is NASA’s, which is a four-inch cube, weighing 2.2 pounds. NASA’s Moffet Field Ames Research Center was the site of its development. PhoneSat 2.4 makes it possible for engineers to command a satellite from…

  • The Effects of Space on the Brain

    The Effects of Space on the Brain

    The Brain Adjusts To Space Environment Since the first manned missions to space, it has been painfully apparent that prolonged time in space is detrimental to an astronaut’s physical well-being. Science has recently brought to light (fueled by NASA recruiting for their upcoming missions) that prolonged time in microgravity like that found on a space…

  • New Inner Oort Cloud Object Discovered

    New Inner Oort Cloud Object Discovered

      Oort Cloud Studies Are Just Beginning This week, astronomers at Washington D.C.’s Carnegie Institution for Science announced the discovery of what is so far the most distant object in the solar system. The dwarf planet, currently named V774104 orbits the sun at a distance which is three times farther out than Pluto. The exact…