Smart Phones in Space


A smart phone has reached space and has successfully transmitted confirmation that the spry spacefarer is good to go. This is NASA’s, which is a four-inch cube, weighing 2.2 pounds. NASA’s Moffet Field Ames Research Center was the site of its development.

PhoneSat 2.4 makes it possible for engineers to command a satellite from the Earth base. Its smooth functioning in space only proves that smart phones can be used in low-Earth orbit satellites. This smart phone is just one of the proofs that NASA is highly committed to help the new generation of space explorers do their job at a low cost.

PhoneSat 2.4 is designed to measure how certain components function in space. It is a cost-effective and low-risk way of facilitating missions for NASA’s unique exploratory and scientific needs. It also functions the same way as satellites, when it comes to memory, computation, power, and navigation. Phoneat2.4 is another milestone for Earth’s space exploration initiative.


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